Girl Details/女孩详细

Name 昵称: Qingqing-清清 (6385)
Age 年龄: 25 Years Old
Height 身高: 166cm
Boobs 胸围: 32B
Languages Spoken: Chinese & Simple English
Include Room 包房
Area 地区: EAST/东部
Location 地点: East Site Apartment 东部公寓
Damage 价格: | $120/60mins/1HJ |
$180/60mins/2HJ | |
Mobile 联络号码: 86170883
- Authentic Massage/正规按摩
- Auto Roaming/触摸全身
- Nude Massage/裸体按摩
- Temptation Massage/诱惑按摩
- Head, Neck & shoulder Massage/头,颈和肩部按摩
- Authentic Acupressure Massage/指压按摩
- Body Oil Massage/油推
- Breast Massage/胸推
- Catbath/漫游
- Stepped Massage/踩背
- Kneeling Massage/跪背
- Lymphatic Detoxification/淋巴排毒
- Prostate Care/前列腺保养
- HDLY/海底捞月
- Juagen/抓根
- Hand job/打飞机
More Photos/更多照片
Please reject if you saw not the same person. and Pay when you meet the Real person.
清纯可爱 服务到位 可以试试
95% look the same as photo, slimmer than photo, she say lose 5 kg since coming here 😅
Very satisfying session!
Manage to book this pretty model look lady today, very happy with her service.
Easy parking too.
Will rfm!
Honest review, I would definitely recommend Qing Qing! Looks wise definitely a 10/10. Massage the strength is just right for me. Sensual wise i like it a lot as there is no rush to finish you off and she is superb with her hands. She can hold good conversation and has the gfe feel.
Location east side, right beside MRT.
Service is top notch.
Mid 20s, quite pretty, with long legs and slim body.
Will rfm.
地方在地铁站附近 很方便
60分钟一分没少 真的很少看到了
手法一流 很享受
Qingqing super beautiful and has a very attractive figure . She is young, cute , petite and exquisite . Accommodative to my fetishism She has a slim figure , thin legs and a very mice butt . After seeing her body , I can’t take my eyes off her . I have played with so many women who cost $300 or $500 , but none of them have a good figure and a beautiful face like her
Looks very similar to pics with some discount to complexion. Overall, i found Qingqing looks cute and adorable
Healthy figure, not too skinny or fat. Perky ass with well shaped natural boobs
10/10 GFE very playful and lots of CFM roleplay once in room
Very willing to please and accommodating in bed. Well worth her price